Learning Principles
We believe that people learn best when:
What they learn:
Is personally meaningful
Is connected to real life
Is appropriate to their developmental level
Challenges them to reach their next level of understanding or personal goal
Promotes exploration of new ideas
How they learn:
Involves the freedom to make choices
Bridges the gap from the known to the new
Incorporates a variety of approaches, such as music, movement, modeling, visuals, and hands-on activities
Encourages creative problem solving
Promotes risk-taking, reflection, revision, and redoing
Includes opportunities for social interaction
Provides opportunities to practice new skills and revisit old ones
The setting in which they learn:
Provides a positive emotional climate that fosters respect
Promotes enthusiasm and good humor
Supports the intended learning
Celebrates accomplishments
Is clean, comfortable and safe
Extends beyond the classroom to include the home and community