Gifted & Talented Programs: Elementary - High School
"I'm not a genius. I'm just passionately curious/"
Program Philosophy
We believe our students can demonstrate and develop exceptional abilities in a wide variety of areas valued by our culture. Based on a "multiple intelligences" model, we believe those areas may include, but are not limited to, reading, writing, math, music, art, science, even service to others. Our program seeks to develop the multiple intelligences in all students. Moreover, it seeks to provide those students showing exceptional abilities with the learning experiences that will enhance their intellectual power, their creative expression, and their sense of self.
Program Goals
* Provide Opportunities for all students to discover and explore new areas of interest
* Provide all students with experiences and strategies that promote increased creativity and better problem solving
* Identify those students demonstrating exceptional ability in one or more areas and to provide them with a range of enriching experiences both within and beyond the classroom
* Provide those students demonstrating exceptional ability with periodic opportunities to learn like-minded peers
* Provide students demonstrating exceptional ability with social and emotional affirmation and support
The UFRSD believes that "gifted and talented students" means those students who possess or demonstrate high levels of ability, in one or more content areas, when compared to their chronological peers in the local school district and who require modifications of their educational program if they are to achieve in accordance with their capabilities. (NJ Definition).
UFRSD also accepts the Theory of Multiple Intelligences as advanced by Howard Gardner (1983) that recognizes multiple ways to "be smart," including intrapersonal, interpersonal ability, musical, and bodily kinesthetic abilities. The District is dedicated to providing a rich array of opportunities for students to explore leadership, music, performance, athletic and other beyond‐academic gifts and talents. Music, art, athletics, student government and many more classroom and extracurricular activities are considered worthwhile opportunities for gifted. and talented UFRSD students. However, specific GT programming is dedicated to academic/creative talents in the areas of verbal‐linguistic, math‐logical, naturalist and spatial "intelligences." (borrowed from WWP)

Our Program
*Newell Elementary School
*Stone Bridge Middle School
*Allentown High School Gifted & Talented at AHS is all interest-based. The link includes a list of activities.
District Identification Timeline: | |
Referral procedures published on district website and District/Campus and GT Meetings held | All year |
Screenings, assessment and identification conducted after written parental permission obtained | April/May of the current school year |
Nominations accepted from parents, teachers, school officials | No later then early April of the current school year |
Gifted/Talented committee meets | As needed throughout the school year |
Written parental permission for services obtained for identified students | As the students are identified written permission is required |
Services begin for identified students | September |
Staff e-Mail
Click on the name of the staff members below to open an email communication with them. Please e-mail the G&T facilitator to start the G&T Process.
Email Melissa DeSarno (Grades K-4) - Newell Elementary School
Email Shannon Manigrasso Stone Bridge Middle School / Stone Bridge Middle School G&T Letter
Email Pam Koharchik - Allentown High School
Email Patrick Leary Assistant Superintendent